Due to reasons such as pregnancy, excessive weight gain and sedentary life, the abdominal muscles relax, fat accumulates in this area, and as a result, abdominal deformity, characterized by sagging of the abdomen, occurs. The best treatment after this stage is abdominoplasty surgery. Abdominoplasty is an operation that allows the removal of excess skin and fat tissue in the abdomen, and the restoration of the abdominal wall muscles to reach their former tension.

It is recommended that patients lose weight first, as the result will not be optimal in overweight obese patients and the risks of general anesthesia will increase. Performing such an operation to lose weight will adversely affect the results.

In order to achieve the best results, I perform tummy tuck (Saldanha lipoabdominoplasty) combined with liposuction, known as the Saldanha technique.


It is an operation performed under general anesthesia in hospital conditions. Hospitalization is required for 1-2 days after surgery. A dressing in the suture area after the operation,  You will be taken to your bed with your back and legs folded with a corset and 2 drains dressed on the operating table. You should wear your anti-embolic (anti-clot) socks starting from below the knee for protection until you move and walk.

On the 2nd or 3rd day, your drains will be removed and you should move in a slightly inclined position for 1 week.

The special tapes attached to the seam lines will be removed in the 2nd week and the remaining seams, if any, will be removed.


Smokers are at risk for both general anesthesia and surgical complications. It will affect the result in terms of wound healing and scarring.

Postoperative hematoma formation (blood collection) and wound healing problems may occur.

One of the feared complications is a blood clot.

For the best healing of the scar, it may be beneficial to use a special silicone band or cream afterwards.

Abdominoplasty is recommended to be performed preferably in patients who have given birth or are not planning to give birth. It has not been reported in the literature that patients who have undergone opera face a problem during pregnancy.